"Poaching, Endangered, Extinct", sounds familiar?
How about "Animal, Habitat, Environment"?
Alright, in case you were wondering what this article, or blog post rather, is all about, it is about how humans have affected the natural environment of this one Earth we all live in. We humans are the foulest of creatures that walk this Earth. We destroy without sparing a thought or thinking twice. If mother nature had a choice of which species she could wipe out from this Earth of ours, I would not be sitting here typing this article...
Ever since humans were introduced onto the lands of this Earth, what we have taken away from it, is way more than what we are giving to it. So what have we done? Mankind has introduced this planet to Global Warming, extinction of species, destruction of habitats, destruction of ozone layer and the list goes on...
Man's inventions have resulted in carbon emissions being released into the atmosphere every second of everyday. This destroys the protective ozone layer that protects us humans from the sun's harmful UV rays. While the Earth had made itself a suitable place for survival of living creatures, we are destroying it.
So why are we destroying something (the ozone layer) that enabled us to live here? It is the same concept as the created destroying the creator. Men's greed for wealth and comfort of life have resulted in the poaching of animals. Men not sparing a thought for the future of animals due to self-centeredness leads to poaching of animals for its valuable body parts. This will lead to the endangering of the species and soon, extinction.

If we, humans, want to save this Earth, let us start with ourselves (the man in the mirror), to make a change. We can save electricity by switching off unused electrical appliances. We can recycle materials, boycott certain types of food (like shark fin soup). Use public transport, environmentally friendly objects or even off the shower when not in use. All these small minor stuff, which seem to be unimportant, help a lot. If everyone of us plays a part to save our planet, it will make a huge difference.
Lets us humans, save our mother Earth by each doing our small part. Every individual makes a big difference. Or we will no longer see creatures, like this leopard, roaming our lands.
(Images adapted from National Geographic Magazine links)
(Images adapted from National Geographic Magazine links)